Friday, June 29, 2012

All I want is a Delorean

Ho-ly shit, a Robyn reference in the TITLE, this must be good.

Ho-ly shit. Back-to-back weeks? Don't jinx it.

Sometimes on Fridays I spend my mornings dancing at work. This is unacceptable as I have a desk job. But, no matter because this song makes my toes tap like those of someone with Restless Leg Syndrome who can’t quite reach the floor. I find myself typing along to the beat and annoying everyone around me. For me, this can be considered a super productive day at the office; and on a Friday no less! Delorean (apart from being a sweet name for a band) is a sweeeeet band! Some people describe them as blisscore, but that sounds like some romantic subculture of porn and I cannot stand for it. I'm going to call it like it is and call it...elec-tronic? The question mark is vital to this branding- so make sure you pronounce it.

Honestly, I am not usually a super fan of this genre of music. I think the fact that this track is devoid of some super irritating "bass drop" is part of what makes me just so smitten with it. This and the fact that you can listen to it on repeat for the better part of an hour and fail to discern where it ends and begins again.
Let’s celebrate my productivity together with a group listen, shall we?

We. Shall.

There were a variety of youtube links I could have chosen and I want you to know that this was the winner based solely on the chick’s outfit in the still. Enough visual interest to last the length of the song? No. No, probably not. Maybe play Tetris while this track plays in order to amuse your lookin' bawls and try to pay attention to whether or not the pitter-patter of your arrow fingers starts to sync up with the tune. I suspect that it will, unless you’re that special rhythmically deprived brand of white person known as “upper middle class”. I jest! Just playing to my audience of one.

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